Monday, May 18, 2009

coming soon

Well i am trying to figure out how to put a video on this site so you will have to be patient. I have some friends back home in Anna Ill. that had a special ladies tea. Each group had to decorate there own table. They had some great ideas and i thought it would be great to post on here. So Coming soon.
Last Saturday, I went Thrift store shopping and found a room full of furniture for 275.00! And today it will be delivered. Boy i was sure scared to tell my hubby, but he took it well. We just moved to this new home and we didn't have enough furniture for it. Let alone my old stuff now has holes in it. So we still will not have enough furniture as soon as we get rid of the old stuff. But i will be posting pics. as soon as it gets here. I will be the crazy woman with the camera saying put it over this way. NO hold it i need a pic. don't any body move. my husband is going to whoop me.

1 comment:

  1. Omgoodness! I bet you had a blast spending that much a TS! lol And they deliver? Yeah,you have to take pics. of everything.On the top of your page go under dashboard and then after your under dashboard go under "help".Top right corner,and a list of stuff will come up to help you w/,and they walk you through it.Also see if you can get a blogger button like the one's i sent you.I think that is on that page as well!
    Have a "BLESSED" Monday!!
