Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank you

Thank you scraping blogs!!! if it was not for that site i would not have figured out how to make my page... well. mine. so every one go click on their button and check them out.


  1. Hello Steph....everything looks the blog background!!! I am so sorry it has taken me this long to visit you little furbaby Maggie passed away last weekend and I just haven't had the heart to get on the computer...but I am so glad you found the background site..I think you are a faster learner than took me months to figure things out and there are things that are still strange to me! lol Welcome to blogland my will find it is filled will some fantastic folks! Thanks so much for coming by and visiting me...please come back anytime and I hope you have had a great week!

  2. Awww,Steph you did a great job! I so love the header,that would be the cutest little T2T shop! lol Sorry,i did'nt get on earlier,it's been a long day! lol Love ya! Ttyl
