Wow, I have found a new respect for moms who go back to school and still have toddlers at home. This has been the craziest week that I can remember right now. Not only do we lose our memories when we have children, Now we go back to school to learn and try and remember more stuff. On top of trying to keep our house hold together. I don't have family around here to depend on so it is extra stressful. But my family took me a way for my birthday. It was nice to forget about school for a moment. My family got me two new Jazz musician statues to go with my collection and then off to Silver Dollar City to see the Cow girls in action. I Just wanted to share with you how wonderful my family is. I don't think I tell them enough. I love you all very much.
But Back to the school work I go and It will all be worth it. The only thing that I want to encourage other moms out there to do. Make sure (yes its hard) to take time out of your busy schedule to make a memory with your family. Because one day that is all you ,and they, will have. Are they going to have a memory of you as a work-aholic mom? Or the mom that took time out of the busy schedule for your self and them. You can do it! I just keep reminding myself it will all be worth it one day.
I hope that I am making sence because my brain hurts righ now. So I am going to take a break and go out with my kids. Love you all and God Bless